Jun 1, 2009

Coconut Ladoo

Fond of coconut? Then this could be a nice dessert for you! My savior on festivals, when I cant think of any elaborate sweet/dessert recipes, since these are quick and easy to make.

Ingredients -
3 cups of shredded coconut (fresh/dry)
1 can of milkmaid
1 tbsp ghee
A pinch of cardamom powder
1/2 cup of chopped cashews, pistachios, almond

Method -
1. Keep a thick-bottomed pan on the stove and add ghee to it.
2. Allow the ghee to heat up, then add shredded coconut and reduce the flame to low.
3. Slowly roast the coconut for 2-3 mins, with constant stirring. Do not brown them.
4. When coconut leaves a fresh aroma, quickly add milkmaid with constant stirring and give it a good mix.
5. Add the cardamom powder, chopped nuts and switch off the stove.
6. Allow the mixture to cool a little till you can handle them with your hands.
7. Make small balls of the mixture when it is still warm and refrigerate them for half an hour.
8. Garnish with chopped nuts on top.

Dig in and enjoy the yummy coconut ladoos :)

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